Do I have to upload anything else than .umap when uploading a map to a remote project (as perforce)?

I am working in a team of 3, we have set up a perforce remote to collaborate on an Unreal project. All the BP we create, submit and then pull from the repo works perfectly on the 3 PCs we are using, instead with levels (.umap) it is not working. When we upload a .umap and then download it on another machine the map appears empty, when we hit play it does instantiate the corresponding GameMode, GameState, PlayerController, etc. what is missing are all the objects attached manually to the map: the lights, statics meshes, BP instantiations, etc.
When submitting the maps to perforce we are only adding the .umap (apart from the new BPs, or modifications, necessary for that map). Is there any other file which we are missing to add which unreal needs to bring all the information reltated to the map?
We have already:

  • Checked unreal engine versions, which we are all using 5.2.1
  • Proved to delete DerivedDataCache, Intermediate and Saved folders and reopening project.
  • Changed default map and game mode to the ones required to open the new map, and reload editor.

Any clue what coul it be?

I’m having a similar issue with umap except I get an error when trying to open the project saying the umap was likely created on a newer version of unreal but it was all uniform with 5.2.1

Did you ever solve your issue?