Division Beta Discussion

So I had some free time, and a few friends asked me to join them in the beta. The videos from E3 looked pretty good, so I was intrigued. I play the beta, and I have to say I was pretty disappointed. There is no character customization, only randomly generated faces. The different armors are the exact same design, just a different color slapped onto it. Sometimes it’s a very subtle color change, if it’s one at all. I ran everything on max settings, and it looked nowhere near the quality in the videos Ubisoft had been showing. The story seemed interesting, but I have to say this left a really bad taste in my mouth. Anyone else had a chance to check it out? I’m most likely going to cancel my pre order. =/

It’s just a demo, most features like character customization and many more features are missing. Sadly it didn’t look like the E3 demo but it’s still very very good looking and impressive. In my opinion
the best looking game in the moment…

I think the biggest upcoming problems will come with all the DLC’s “for extra money” and microtransactions.

The character customization on the youtube videos were pretty lacking too. I was hoping they’d expand on it in the beta, instead the cut it out completely. Don’t get me wrong, the game looks good visually. It just isn’t near the quality that was presented to us when they were talking about how realistic and alive everything looked. The streets had much less detail than the promo videos, that was one of the more glaring changes. I also found the gameplay to be fun, but an online RPG for me has to have enough customization to set my character apart from others. I was in a group of 3 and we looked like triplets, minus the facial hair differences. =P

Thats true but it’s always the same with Ubisoft, they always like to show pumped up early game scenes… like in watch dogs etc…
I’m also hopping that they will put much more character customizaation stuff in, right now a lot of things feel very static.

I honestly will not buy a Ubisoft game at launch. Ever. Again. Ubisoft developers, I love you, but your management…

At least not that bad like Arkham knight, Rocksteady Studios :stuck_out_tongue: I think even the version you can buy today for PC is full of bugs.

Okay, so I’ve played with some friends to the Max level available in this Beta right now. The Visuals do not look like they did in all the trailers, but they look very very nice. (Im playing on maxed out graphics, like much people here too I think). But I have to say that I can’t even tell you if this will be a “good” game or a “bad” game. This beta was cut to the minimum of Product you can probably get. Around almost every corner in this game you’ll see a sign that tells you “Not Available in Beta”.

Altough what I like is the difficulty of this one “raid” if you play on “Hard” also I think the Loot system has some cool ideas (even tough it’s not that varying on items). Also i’ve thought that there is more online activity in this City outside of the “Dark Zone”.
Which brings me to the next point. the so called “Dark Zone” - the area this beta plays is cropped to a tiny area. So we went there and got through some buildings and AI Groups. The Idea of this Zone is so cool. But then there are only like 15 People in this zone and the chance that you gotta meet some other players is pretty low. Also if you get disloyal to the “Division” every time you’ve die you get punished which is basically stupid. It takes pretty much all of the dynamic away. If we met people there no one was a “bad” guy. Sure there are some People that just want to play this game alone and are happy if no one distrubs them. But isn’t that the way they’ve promoted this game? I like the RPG part of it. But i mostly disagree with the online part of it.

Hope my english was not too bad :]

Everyone have a nice day!

Got a chance to play it a bit more today with a few friends. I have to say I like it. The Dark Zone was fun in my opinion. While you lose xp and loot if you die while being rogue, if you survive and outlast the timer you actually gain xp and the bounty. It seemed one of the biggest detractors to my visuals was the brightness which was set to 50%. Dropping it to 35% improved it a little bit, although the streets are still noticeably empty compared to the trailers. My biggest issue is going to be finding time to play it when it comes out. =P

It’s Ubi :wink:
We all know ubi by now…

I got the Beta invite too…

I really liked Uplay when Assassins Creed Black Flag came out. Then things got pretty bad from there, with Far cry 4 being the only release I thought was worth buying (Despite buying Watch dogs, Unity etc…)

I have to admit Ubisofts Marketing department are awesome they can really build hype for games, but this game fell below the standard shown at E3, the streets are so empty, I didn’t mind the visuals so much. Needless to say I will probably end up buying it as its a multiplayer AAA game with open world area’s and be mad at launch because I have to use Uplay to launch the game, cry because matchmaking doesn’t work for the first 2 weeks, make the same joke I make every time ‘Uplay!? You mean UDon’tPlay!!!’

Eat. Sleep. Rave. Repeat.