So I have a follow-up on this but based on a separate issue than the error itself. The division script will only mathematically work some subdivisions of the original reconstruction region some of the time. I’m working on a large 1km^2+ town-size model at the moment, and I can subdivide it into a 3-column, 7-row ReconRegion, but not a 3-column 21-row to make each subdivided model more square. Then, if I try to subdivide one of those into a 1-column 3-row, it does the same weird computation.
For example, here are the reconstruction regions built by the 1-column, 3-row divider script:
<ReconstructionRegion globalCoordinateSystem="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" globalCoordinateSystemName="epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84)"
isGeoreferenced="1" isLatLon="1" widthHeightDepth="136.31015016941 154.334838872747 56.0000000075662">
<yawPitchRoll>-0.0122367575478116 0.00139276213810189 -0.00649515239168633</yawPitchRoll>
<Header magic="5395016" version="2"/>
<centre>-1.43908395148811 0.487977001420313 -0.63050349149853</centre>
<Residual s="1.00013825576549" ownerId="{C6F80B93-31F9-45B0-87AE-86FFFB36A516}">
<R>0.999999987601509 -7.57722619353502e-05 0.000138041823872166 7.57705830062176e-05 0.999999997055313 1.21675680406734e-05 -0.000138042745433006 -1.21571083753794e-05 0.999999990397988</R>
<t>0.000863987149419005 0.000159706302031534 -0.0591850098263294</t>
<ReconstructionRegion globalCoordinateSystem="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" globalCoordinateSystemName="epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84)"
isGeoreferenced="1" isLatLon="1" widthHeightDepth="136.310150169655 15.433484077892 56.00000000618">
<yawPitchRoll>-0.0110131524435598 0.00201947160563529 -0.00584552461087589</yawPitchRoll>
<Header magic="5395016" version="2"/>
<centre>-1.43905977255962 0.487966065667186 -0.656091270036995</centre>
<Residual s="1.00013825576549" ownerId="{C6F80B93-31F9-45B0-87AE-86FFFB36A516}">
<R>0.999999987601509 -7.57722619353502e-05 0.000138041823872166 7.57705830062176e-05 0.999999997055313 1.21675680406734e-05 -0.000138042745433006 -1.21571083753794e-05 0.999999990397988</R>
<t>0.000863987149419005 0.000159706302031534 -0.0591850098263294</t>
<ReconstructionRegion globalCoordinateSystem="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" globalCoordinateSystemName="epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84)"
isGeoreferenced="1" isLatLon="1" widthHeightDepth="136.31015016941 15.4334840779064 56.0000000073472">
<yawPitchRoll>-0.00978956465806833 0.00201950343583966 -0.00519606695165042</yawPitchRoll>
<Header magic="5395016" version="2"/>
<centre>-1.43903559502254 0.487966067732492 -0.680836286395788</centre>
<Residual s="1.00013825576549" ownerId="{C6F80B93-31F9-45B0-87AE-86FFFB36A516}">
<R>0.999999987601509 -7.57722619353502e-05 0.000138041823872166 7.57705830062176e-05 0.999999997055313 1.21675680406734e-05 -0.000138042745433006 -1.21571083753794e-05 0.999999990397988</R>
<t>0.000863987149419005 0.000159706302031534 -0.0591850098263294</t>
I can already tell that the divider script has inexplicably moved the decimal placement of the Height for rows 2 and 3, making it 15.4___ instead of 154.___. But I can’t just move that decimal placement in Notepad++ and fix it. The “Centre Euclid” and “YaxPitchRoll” would also have to be accounted for.
This is just one example of the Divider Script doing this. I’ve attempted re-downloading the script in case the divider script was corrupted, but the fresh download does the same thing. I’ve had it work with some combinations of row and column counts and not others. I cannot figure out a rhyme or reason for what works and what doesn’t.