Distribution mask on a spawner

Hi everyone,

I’m a complete newbie in UE, so I’m sorry if this question is too basic, but I couldn’t find an answer anywhere.

In other applications I use, it’s very simple to distribute the items of an ecosystem according to a B&W mask (e.g. using a simple bitmap or a noise node, where white populates the items, black doesn’t). This is really handy, for example, to cluster trees of a specific species in an area, another type of trees in another area.

But in UE5 I couldn’t find any obvious way of doing it in the spawners. Is there really no easy way of doing it, that doesn’t envolve programming?


You can use Make Importance Texture | Unreal Engine Documentation and Importance Sample | Unreal Engine Documentation to do that. An explanation of those can be found here: Unreal Engine 4.17 Release Notes | Unreal Engine Documentation.

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Thank you, I believe that’s what I was looking for. Now I just have to find out how to incorporate this into a spawner, being the noob I am. :slight_smile: Thanks again.

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