Hello everyone, I have a question about using PCG inside the Blueprint class.
Example: I need to distribute a static grass mesh to the roofs of a building, which is assembled using modules in the Blueprint class. The propagation must be implemented through objects inside the drawn spline, as shown in the picture below.
- In the Blueprint class I create a PCG object. I insert my PCG graph into the Graph item.
I draw a spline inside the Blueprint, assign it a TT tag, which I have assigned to Get Spline Data.
I add the Mesh spawner and debug at the same time to see the exact result.
And nothing happens, in all the videos that I watched - that was enough for what I did.
If there is a need to do something in the Event Graph, then please give detailed instructions on what is required of me. If not, and there is some minor issue here, then please tell me.