Distributed Processing update??

It has been a year somebody was talking about Network rendering… is there any update with latest version, that we can test / or use?

I have renderfarm with 1000 CPUs and 2x1080ti GPUs per each …   I want to try to connect it and see if there is any speed up…   

Please, let me know, if there is any solution for this…

Thank you

Hello ,

please excuse our late response.

Our developers are working on this solution, although the official time for the release is still not known yet. Thank you for your understanding.

Thanks Patrik for asking.

We are in the same boat and have a project coming up that could use network rendering.

Are there any update on this Zuzana? Appreciate to get any idea of the possibility within this year and summer?



I’m looking for an update on this topic, does this feature work yet?

Same here, is it possible to use RC with a few PC`s at the same network? 

Same here. Any news. Did you get any further with this? 

I presume the problem of multi-threaded, multi-gpu or cloud tasking is whether parts/tasks of CapturingReality can be partitioned and then brought back together again.

It would be good to know if there are any tasks that can be split up?

Do you also know if I can distribute the GPU tasks on my network to other GPUs? This is proving to be a bottleneck. I see  I can use up to 3 GPUs, but do they have to be on the same machine?

I am working Gigabyte Aero laptop with 32gb Ram and 16bg nvidia GTX1070. I cannot add a gpu internally, but I have other machines and GPUs on my local network.


Hi Graham3D3D, this question wil be answere throught our support system.