Try tweaking Occlusion Max Distance parameter in the sky light. If it doesnt work for you you can import another mesh(a thinner box) and add it as Dist. Field Replacement Mesh in static mesh editor.
making the mesh thicker did not fix the problem for me! But I was able to solve this in my project.
I had the same issue and managed to fix mine by messing with a few things, On the skylight increase the Max occlusion distance, I fould if it was too low I would have this happen. With a setting of 500 and then a “occlusion exponent” of 0.6 seemed to work for me. Another this is the balance of strengh between the Skylight and the Dircetional light. If your directional light is much stronger than the skylight you will also get this. You can turn down the directional light strength a bit and turn up the skylight.
making the mesh thicker did not fix the problem for me! But I was able to solve this in my project.
I had the same issue and managed to fix mine by messing with a few things, On the skylight increase the Max occlusion distance, I fould if it was too low I would have this happen. With a setting of 500 and then a “occlusion exponent” of 0.6 seemed to work for me. Another this is the balance of strengh between the Skylight and the Dircetional light. If your directional light is much stronger than the skylight you will also get this. You can turn down the directional light strength a bit and turn up the skylight.