distance editing window: TAB key and auto-highlight

Often, I have to define distances using Create Distance, and entering the marker names by hand. It would be *very* nice if I could just TAB down the entries in the window instead of having to resort to the mouse again and again.

Also, why can’t the full text in a field by auto-marked when I click into it (or jump to it)? It would allow much faster editing of marker names and distances etc.

Yes, yes, yes to all ! ! !

How often did that bother me…  :slight_smile:

older request of the tab switch: https://support.capturingreality.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115001350592-tab-key-to-move-between-fields

This one is also about auto-highlight, which I find even more important than the tab function (which can be mimicked by using arrow keys according to your link).

don’t worry, we can see that

in RC, the TAB key is used to “jump” from the left to the right side of a 1D(s) panel,

it also highlights/preselects the value on the right side of the panel,

see also:



Ok, thanks. But then it is just as inconvenient.

Usually in such cases (other software), when I click on a value field, the number is preselected

Like so many things not a huge issue but one of those tiny things that add up…  :slight_smile:

I see