In an animation blueprint is there a way to combine the results of two state machines, so that both poses are applied in full. I have two (procedural) animations, that I want to switch on and off independently. Right now I can have either the one or the other, but not both.
Hey, maybe this could help you, it is possible to blend animations in many ways. It could also be done with a BlendSpace.
Blend Space tutorial:
As far as I can see, this doesn’t work for procedural animations. I’m using skeletal controls to rotate the bones based on a state machine.
Then you could record the animation and save it, and then blend it with BlendPerBone node in Animation Blueprint?? You could set this up with states as well. Am sure what exactly you’re trying to do thou, sometimes 1 screenshot can tell a lot.
Recording the animation might be the right idea, if I can figure out, how to do it.
I would like to show you a screenshot, but I don’t want my idea stolen (no offense).
Must be a really good idea then :P,
well record button was added recently ,
you can save poses like this, but you can only rotate one bone at a time so you are kind of limited to making animations for each bone individually.
And then you can of course blend the animations together, for example BlendPerBone in the Animation Blueprint.
Find the Record button: you go to your skeletal Mesh and open it:
Here is related question with example:
It may not be an especially good idea, but it’s unique and somewhat topical.
But thanks to your help, I finally figured it out. The BlendPerBone node did the trick. I had to type out every bone, but it works now.
Thanks again for your help and patience.
You’re welcome !