I have a mechanic where the player can spend stamina to make every hidden item in a certain radius around them appear. The ACharacter curates a running list of the objects within their sensory range by using the OnOverlap/OnEndOverlap functions for a USphereComponent rooted to the character, and every time the player pings their surroundings the game just checks that list, and sets anything that’s both in range and hidden to visible.
This all works fine, but there isn’t any visual feedback about what’s going on, so I’m trying to create a visual sonar circle that expands along the ground when you hit the search key, effectively highlighting the terrain that you’ve just checked. SEE? I'M AN AWESOME DAD! - Heavy Rain - Part 3 - YouTube is a AAA example of the effect I’m after (warning, audio)… so what should I be reading up on to implement this in unreal? Is it as simple as making a UMG widget, or would I have to do something like making a custom “sonar” material for every single texture that can be scanned?