Displaying Pickup Information in my HUD

Hi, I am having a problem with displaying pickup information on my game HUD. I have a BP_BaseSingularPickup that gets placed in the world and the player can collect it. The functionality of that works just fine. It’s just that when the player collects it, I want an icon of the item to appear on my HUD. I already have already made the icon and it has been placed on my Widget Blueprint for the HUD as Hidden.

I have tried using a blueprint interface but I can’t seem to wrap my head around how they work. I know they’re meant for passing variables between two different blueprints but I just can’t seem to figure out how to use it, let alone use it for passing information between an actor blueprint and a widget blueprint.

I have screenshots of everything here:

Can somebody please explain to me how this whole blueprint interface thing works and what I should do for this problem?

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Just create a visibility variable in the player blueprint, and then in your HUD blueprint, create a binding for the icons visibility, cast to your player, and get the icon visibility variable. When you pick up this object make sure to set the icon visibility variable to visible.

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