I make custom structures and set values on Behaviour Tree, its display is broken like this image.
And then I’ve found this bug report.
[Displayed variable names of struct are broken][2]
It is similar to this.
I make custom structures and set values on Behaviour Tree, its display is broken like this image.
And then I’ve found this bug report.
[Displayed variable names of struct are broken][2]
It is similar to this.
I haven’t had it break in my behavior trees yet, but I have one struct that breaks continually, thus breaking my quest system I’m working on. What I’ve done is duplicate the broken struct and then go back and redirect everything manually to the new one. Then when that one breaks, switch back to the other one. I know mine has to do with a bug with struct-in-struct, and how my project works I haven’t found an alternative yet. This has been a problem with unreal for as far back as I can see, and it never truly gets fixed. Honestly it really just seems to get worse. It used to be somewhat benign and mostly just an annoyance (from what I’ve read) to now being catastrophic in some cases. I also suggest making duplicate projects frequently because you never know when it’s going to finally destroy the whole project. In my experience, source control isn’t particularly helpful in this case.