Displayed photos to be highligted in 1Ds and 2Ds lists

All photos displayed in 2D view(s) to be highlighted in left-hand 1Ds and 2Ds views, both in the Images list and in Component list(s); any activated photo to be doubly highlighted!
that is, a purpose and appearance of highlight that’s additional to the present white highlight in 1Ds and the corresponding coloured frame in 2Ds.
Moving through photos by < > arrows, the highlight to move too.

Without great memorisation, it’s easy to get lost when comparing photos or selecting best ones for Control Points. This would greatly help keeping track.

Hey Tom,

what additional highlight do you suggest?
Or do you mean you want more colours, say 6 or 8 for more 2D views?
In that case, there is already one thread:
More colours for windows