Display widget blueprint on in-game screen

I’m visualizing a touch screen in UE so I want to place my user interface on an in game screen.
I’ve created “my widget” in a Widget Blueprint. I then created a blueprint actor class and added a widget component to it. For the widget component I’ve chosen the following:

Element 0 → Widget3DPassThrough_Masked_OneSided

UI: Space → world, Widget class → “my widget”


It doesn’t appear the right way though. I can see some of the letters from my UI but it’s all twisted.
Not sure if I should use another choice under Element 0, if I need to change settings for my WidgetBP or what.

Can anybody help, please?

Make sure the WidgetBP draw size matches the widget canvas size or parts will be cropped. Yours is currently set to 500

Thanks! Do you know if/how I can attach it to a material/mesh though?

You can attach it in your blueprint either by dragging it onto a mesh in the components tab or by having it attach based on some event in your blueprint graph
