Display username above player?

Hello, I am on the last part of my game and that is add the name tag above the players head to identify him/her.
I have a login system with mysql where you can go to my localhost and register a username and password required to get into the game. what I want to do is display that registered username above the player. I’ve tried making a seperate widget component and binding a function (the users username is stored in a string varaibel) but when I add get username it asks for a target and I don’t know what the target would be, Any help would be great!!?


Hey there, is that username variable in the widget? If it is and it already has the value it needs to have, delete that node and do get username to recreated it without the self. If it’s not then you need to access the place it has that information, if it’s in your character then you need to do get owning player pawn, cast to your character bp and from there access the variable.

No, It is a variable stored in a game instance.

I am very sorry, I am just switching over from unity and have no idea how to use blueprints, Can you send me a screen shot if you can, I’d really appreciate it!
Also what do you mean cast to custom version?

Then you just need to do Get Game Instance, cast it to your custom version and access it from there.

Hello? I really need some help here.

I believe you can use a widget to get there text over the player

Im on smartphone right now but if you right click on an empty spce youll find the get game instance node, from that you drag a wire and type cast to “your game instance subclass that has the the username variable”. From that cast you can search for the username variable.