I have a .png image, that contain 8 tiles
How i can set up x,y coordinates and width/height for use with UMG?
I have a .png image, that contain 8 tiles
How i can set up x,y coordinates and width/height for use with UMG?
There’s a few functions you could use for this. For rescaling and tiling your UVs you can use Texcoords, Vector2 values or a Panner with time disabled. Vector2 allows you to redefine UVs (or XYs if you will). A 2,2 will give you twice the size. With Texcoords you can get a similar result.
Another possibility would be to skip all this together and just use the same arrow for everything. You can plugin a Rotator to point it in any direction. Unless you want to keep your normals seperated.
Can you make a very basic example with Texcoords?
I’m not at home right now but it’s pretty straightforward, you just hook it up to the UV input of your textures, then set the values you want.
Solved this, using paper2d, which is included with unreal engine 4.