Display / Spawn Array of Textures As Grid

I made BP that would take an array of Icon Textures and spawn them in a grid for easy viewing. I figured I would post the Blueprints if anyone else needed to do something similar.

This is the actor that is placed in the level BP.
RowWidth = # actors per row.
SpaceWidth/Height = # Pixels between each placement .

This is the Creation BP in the Actor that is spawned in the For Each Loop.

This is the Material that is used on the Plane in the Actor that is spawned in the For Each Loop. The Blend mode is changed to masked to allow for the Texture transparency. The Texture was changed to a Parameter then named Texture.

This is the resault of an Array of 43 Textures and the variables set at 10 = RowWidth 100 = SpaceWidth 100 = SpaceHeight.


Oh rad! This will save a lot of people a lot of time! Thanks for contributing to the community!