Display progress bar from a timer


I am setting up a reverse progress bar to see how much timer is remaining for bonuses

I made this :

But the script restart itself (BonusTimerProgression) each time it ends without the do once

Does someone have an idea?

Hey @EarthCK!

How are you even initiating the timer? It looks here like the execution line doesn’t reach the “Set Timer By event” in any way, so it has to be started elsewhere.

Get back to us with that! :slight_smile:

It reaches actually but it was a bit of a mess, I edited my post and made it clearer

Unfortunately it still doesn’t reach.

The execution is the white line- and the only one here going into the do once is the one going into the Reset… if the Set Timer by Event is going off, that means “Bonus Timer Progression” is being called from somewhere else in your script. :slight_smile:

(nice cleanup btw!)

Oh I get it now

This is in my character BP

(ty I love to organise my bps haha)

Hey there!
Here is a different approach for your progress bar.

The idea is using an animation in the Widget.

You make the animation of the progress bar going from 1 to 0 in 1 second.

Then you have a float ‘total time’ and use that float as a multiplyer of
the animation playback speed.

At the end of the animation you can put an event track that triggers
when time is out :slight_smile:

Here is a video showing you what I mean.

Hope it helps!


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Idk why I have not tried this b4 considering I use animations for basically anything lmao

Thanks a lot!

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  • I’ll just add that you can:

  • double click:

  • now you do not need Tick, it only fires when it plays:


  • and since we have access to curves, you can query progress and Lerp:

You actually have a timeline in the widget.


Lol me too…I’ve been animating for 30+ years so I have that animation thinking for everything :slight_smile:

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