Hi Everyone I got a little problem that’s been stomping me for a little bit. I couldn’t find any post that had a similar problem but if anyone knows one I would appreciate it if you could point me in that direction. So my problem is I want to have more than one box trigger through out the level that can display different widgets with text and text with buttons. I created the widgets and they can be displayed on the screen and I have a BP for each trigger box. But when I collide with each trigger box I keep getting one widget displaying on all trigger box instead of the widget I assigned it too. The only thing I can do is display them by them self one at a time using Event BeginPlay but as you guys now you can only use one of those events. In advance I really appreciate it big time if I could get any thoughts on this.
“The only thing I can do is display them by them self one at a time using Event BeginPlay but as you guys now you can only use one of those events. In advance I really appreciate it big time if I could get any thoughts on this.”
Yo!. you can use a sequence node which gets executed after begin play.
“So my problem is I want to have more than one box trigger through out the level that can display different widgets with text and text with buttons. I created the widgets and they can be displayed on the screen and I have a BP for each trigger box. But when I collide with each trigger box I keep getting one widget displaying on all trigger box instead of the widget I assigned it too”
i think you are using the same trigger box :/. create different triggers for different widgets. and make sure you name them for your ease. then just add Events on overlap for each of the triggers in your level blueprint.
Hi Jurrasic Studios, thanks for replying back. I did both those steps you mention bust same thing keeps happening. Maybe some how I did use the same trigger box for the widget but I’m pretty sure I didn’t. But to be sure I’m going to start over and do as you say and see if that help. Thanks again for the response.
I have no idea what to do. I did everything over and same problem keep occurring.
After a long period of head scathing I finally figure it out. I just had to promote the overlapping triggers as OnActorBeginOverlap and toggle the widget visibility, instead of trying to use EventBeginPlay like I seen in one youtube video.
i guess the problem is solved. if not send over a ss of the blueprint :).
Yes, I finally figure it out and thanks a lot for the help.