Display multiple components at the same time

Unfortunately it’s not possible to post in the RC forums anymore (are the posts going to be copied over into/archived in this forum? It would be a pity to lose all that information!).

Six years ago someone posted a feature request: Show several components
There’s also an even older second thread about the same feature here and the second post says:

I’m sorry, it is not possible today. We will add it at some point, but it’s not a high priority task today.

Are there any news about this yet or is this maybe possible already?

The reason why this would be really useful:
I’ve been working on 3D scanning small objects for the last couple of months (I do the RC part, someone else took the photos) and there are usally two loops for each object: Right side up and upside down. Usually RC needs a little bit of help, 3 or 4 control points, to put them together to create a model that shows the full object but once in a while there’s a really stubborn object and even 10 CPs with appr. 10 images each still create two separate components with sometimes weird measurements (20+px, even though I’m 90% sure that I set the CPs correctly). Being able to display both components in the same window at the same time would be really useful to see if the position of a control point is maybe a bit off (it’s sometimes hard to see on photos showing round objects).

What would be even more useful (I know this probably won’t happen): To give users a combining feature, additional to control points: Make them line up the two to three components - basically turn and resize the components yourself (the way you can manipulate models in RC) and then tell RC “this is roughly the way they’re supposed to be, now create a single model for me, using the actual CPs”.

Hi, for now this is still a feature request.