Display Movement Range For Turn-Based System

In a similar vein to CampingCarl’s question*, I am interested in creating a display for the potential movement range for a Main actor on the ground, changing in shape as terrain/other actors block the area around the main Actor without the use of tiles. Unlike the previously asked question by carl, I am not concerned with terrain types but am inexperienced with UE4, and am looking for documentation on how I can “Limit” an actors usable Navmesh.

Any help or links to resources would be greatly appreciated.

bumping for reply, I considered using a texture on the ground, but that won’t change depending on nearby terrain or actors in the way

Hey @awdlkasdf!

If you are trying to limit an actors usable nav mesh, you can easily do so using Nav Mesh Modifier Volumes. Check out the documentation on using them here:

There will be two sections to read, preparation and application. I hope the above is the solution you need!

Thank you so much for the reply! I read through the documents you attached, but unfortunately didn’t help with my main issue of displaying Movement ranges. My primary issue is not in limiting character movement, but in showing the limited movement to the player. Similar to XCOM’s UI where once a unit is selected, and all areas the unit can move to are highlighted, though in my case I am doing it without a tile system. I’m currently using vector information to limit how far a unit can move, but have no idea how i can display that for the player. Any help or pointers to where i can find help would be greatly appreciated!

Hey @awdlkasdf,

That really depends on you are looking to display it. Do you want a path that you can see or just green or blue squares for what is available, red if it is not, etc. If the former do you want it 2D or 3D? If the latter, is this always available or just on hover?

Here is one such non-Epic affiliated example:

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Thank you so much! this is exactly the kind of solution I was looking for