Display mode/vsync commands

I am trying to make an options menu purely in blueprint due to I have no coding skills and I am wondering if there is any commands for changing between fullscreen, windowed and borderless. Plus change Vsync on the fly. I am currently using the DefaultGameUserSettings for both Vsync and fullscreen settings. But I want a way to change both the display mode and vsync via commands.

I tried using the fullscreen and windowed commands from this page: Command-Line Arguments in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation But only fullscreen seem to work, whenever I run “WINDOWED” nothing happends.

And I seem to be unable to use the Vsync commands on that page as well. Do I need to run a command to change the INI file if I want to do this? and how would you do so.

Well the fullscreen commands need some special command before them. (I dont know them of the top of my head, but when I get home I can post them) For vsync try: r.vsync true in the console.

The console commands should be like this:

r.VSync 1


r.VSync 0
as well as:

r.SetRest 1920x1080w (w for window, f for fullscreen)


r.FullScreenMode 1 

But it seems like there are some errors with this. I found this question here:


And i haven’t found a way to get my Editor into Fullscreen. Maybe it’s not possible like i tested it.

hm… I havent tried this yet, but just plain “setres” work for me. Plain “VSync” dont. Would “r.WINDOWED” and “r.FULLSCREEN” work? because that’s the ones under rendering in the command sheet.

I don’t think this will work. Like i said, i haven’t found a way by now to turn my Editor in Fullscreen. Normaly the f and w at the end of the r.SetRes command changes the FullScreenMode.

K cool. I’ll do some testing based on what you gave me and I’ll come back later ^^

Yeah the adding w and f works for me. But I dont know if the vsync does any difference atm. no desyncing yet

You can see if VSync is running if you check your FPS. If you have a Screen with 60Hz and you have over 60 fps, it is not running, if it locks to 60 fps VSync is on. If you have less then 60 fps then you can’t check i guess xD

I have a 120hz monitor :stuck_out_tongue: how do I change the refresh rate with commands? Here is the menu so far:

just checked, vsync also works :slight_smile: