Display Issue when Importing Objects in Unreal Engine 5.1

While importing objects from various websites into Unreal Engine 5.1, I’ve noticed that some of the faces of these objects aren’t displayed correctly. It seems like a face of the mesh is missing, and the object has a display issue. I’m not sure of the cause of this problem or how to fix it. Do you have any suggestions or advice on how to resolve this issue? I’ve attached a screenshot to illustrate the problem.

Hi there,
You’ll need to check the normals of the geometry, for example in Blender, when you check face orientation, the red one will appear like the ones you just imported. Have a look into the software you used for exporting the geometry and invert those faces/normals so you don’t get any issues similar to that.

I found this on a quick search on YouTube, you can do it in Unreal too but I’d recommend going back to the modelling software, to be honest for future proofing.

I hope it helps!

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Thanks a lot for the answer. It worked well.
"But I have one more question if it doesn’t bother you. I transformed this object into a static mesh because I tried to find a better method to work with these exploded assets imported into Unreal. After this conversion, I noticed that some parts were altered. I don’t think it’s related to normals because this issue appeared just after the conversion. Do you have any suggestions on how to manipulate these objects more efficiently or how to solve the problem?

Hi there, sorry for the late response.
I think you still have some normal issues here

I think you’re referring to the pivot position, always try to get static meshes centred on the 0,0,0 coordinates. Then you can move them freely on Unreal to your desired position, that’s how I do it for furniture and accessories.

Take this sofa for example:

I hope that answers your question.

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