Display asset metadata for a few selected assets in the plant 3d model


  We have a 3d model (a gltf file) of a plant layout. Once we import this plant model  into the scene, we want to show asset metadata (like asset name, id, status etc) in a popup window panel, whenever a specific asset in the plant model is clicked. I am a new user trying to understand how things work in unreal.  After going through some documentation, I see that blueprint visual scripting is the way to go for this scenario. 

If anyone has done something like this, appreciate if the information can be shared.

Thanks in advance.

Here are the things you will need to research on:

  • Metadata, you will need to use Data Asset or Data Table but most likely data asset for yours.
  • Popup Window, you will need to search for making dynamic widget with custom size and how to clamp widget on screen.
  • If it an RTS game, you can use ā€œGetHitResultUnderCursorā€ from the controller and then call your widget window. (to mouse over your cursor on an actor and call your popup window)
  • Finally use of interface function to communicate/share variables between BP.