Just wanted to link a Video for my question because I’m not too sure if I can get what I want to ask with just text.
thanks and cheers
Just wanted to link a Video for my question because I’m not too sure if I can get what I want to ask with just text.
thanks and cheers
So a few things that hopefully will address your questions, though maybe not what you want to hear in some cases.
Tessellation is deprecated as things stand. You can still use World Position Offset with a height/displacement map in your shader, but that requires the geo to be there to begin with on import - no more adding it on the fly with tessellation.
As a character guy, you likely won’t get much use out of Nanite, which is the environment man’s replacement (debatable whether thats true in all cases, but for simplification’s sake we will say that). Nanite meshes basically work backwards from the way tessellation did, bring in the super high res mesh and let Nanite cull triangles based on pixel size along with a bunch of other behind the scenes optimisations to facilitate it all.
Downside is that currently its limited to static objects, no vertex animation (so no World Position Offset in shader) and no skeletal meshes. Great for a lot of static environment assets, but has limitations.
Lots of people not too happy about tessellation being gone, but the main reason behind it as I understand it, has to do with raytracing not playing nicely with it and filling up video memory very quickly. I could be wrong on that so if anyone knows better feel free to chime in and correct.
Whether it will come back in some form is anyone’s guess.