i got this box mesh with curved edges that i made in sketchup. each corner has a different roudness strength.
In the modelling tab i remeshed the mesh to have about 100.000 triangles, and then displaced it.
Somehow, the large round edges displace well (see corner on the back side of the picture below), but the smaller edges (which are more important for my kind of work) distort heavily when displacing them. does anyone know what the problem/solution is?
Another trick is using a world aligned material, and just sticking some extra bricks in there. The material always lines up because it’s UVs are in the world…
what i don’t really get is how you seem to get the result in the bottom picture.
Do you import a simple 6-faced cube with straight edges, remesh it in the modelling tab of unreal engine to split it into a lot of triangles, and after that displace it (also in the modelling tab)?
would you be willing to go on a short 10 minute call with me to explain how i should displace a box mesh with rounded edges? i simply can’t get it to work.