Hi, so i heard that bridge is harder to use on unreal engine 5 and that you have to set things manually such as textures.
But for me everything seems to be working fine except for displacement, am i doing something wrong? or is there something i have to do?
For example
As you can see it’s horrible, and on top of that it has flickering shadows?!
Are you trying to displace a stretched cube? Then it won’t work.
You need to have a high poly cube. You can make it with the same geom tool
No I already re-meshed my cube to 500,000 polies and and it’s not streched-scaled, it was streched from the modeling tab and it was using world space UV scale, so it’s technically not really scaled.
but if you’re right, how can i solve it and apply it to my cube?
You’re trying to displace using the albedo, you need to use the displacement texture, it’s usually black and white
Megascans give you them. When you download the asset, you get albedo, normal map, roughness ( blah blah ), and displacement.
It’s the funny yellowy one
yea, the displacment that i was using was given to me from megascan mixer
No, you’re using the albedo.
You need to one called …ORDp
Just do it for now with something from Bridge, if you’re not sure…
ouch my eyes,
this is the result, that’s the reason I tried mega mixer, because this would look ugly everytime i use it
If thats the material files they give you without any alterations, the files are bad. There’s obvious tiling.
Since i have never experienced anything the like using quixel’s textures, I’m guessing your UVs mismatch between the maps…
well… probably, this is a large texture and of course it’s going to get tiled, also this is just an example but I use texture variation node with macro variation so i don’t end up with repetitive patterns, but displacement is just weird. I’ve heard that ue5 isn’t good with displacement so I’m probably going to use height mapper plugin and buy it.
Quick question, you said my texture are bad and that you never get tiled textures like that, how do you see your materials?
You can easily tell if they are bad or not into the preview of bridge, or by adding them to a tiling mix in mixer.
Generally, if they are within the quixel system they passed validation and obvious tiling like the one you show - which is likely do to bad lighting if present in just the base color - is not present.
It’s just not a very good displacement texture…