With the introduction Unreal 5 and Nanite; Displacement and Tessellation seem to have disappeared in the Materials options. I want to apply a XYZ displacement map to my character, I cannot just use a high poly nanite as it is rigged and cant change the topology. I saw the Modelling Tool Editor option but, one it does not allow virtual textures/UDIMs, two I cannot seem to be able to use the Displacement option with my character or metahumans.
Please is there a non-destructive way to add displacement/height map and tesselation in UE5, ideally through a material. I do not know why they got rid of it in the material, it was so useful!,
My understanding is that lumen lighting doesn’t work properly with the displacement/tessellation, hence why those features were removed. You are correct that virtual textures are the only way I know of to fix this issue right now, and honestly it’s more of a band-aid than an actual fix.
If you want to achieve that effect, I would recommend going back to UE4. Or wait until they can get lumen working properly with them. In the meantime, those features appear to just be gone.
Makes sense, although I used displacement in Unreal 5 with the modelling tool Editor on a random (non-skeletal) object and it seems to work fine with lumen. The problem is that you cannot use it for Skeletal meshes it seems and I do not understand why as the displacement looked fine on the other object. I am just praying that Unreal re-introduce it in the material like it was before.