displaced reprojection zone

Hi there,

I have an issue with orthoprojections, which appear are all black and empty, as I mentioned here:

Maybe it is linked to a bug that I just discovered: the reprojection zone seems to move when I click on render. For example, I tried to render an orthophoto, which appeared black and then tried to reproject texture. When I toggled to 3D view, the reprojection area had been displaced. See screenshot below. Would you know how to sort this displacement issue ?




Please could you specify what type of inputs do you use ? 
In relation to your previous post it seems that there is some issue with georeferencing of the project. 

  • If possible reset your application and settings (hold Shift key and start the application)

  • clean cache

  • create new project

  • set camera priors to  - unknown 

  • align / mesh / texture your project 

Please report your result. 

Hi ,

I use pictures taken with a smartphone. Thank you very much for your answer, it solved my problem.
