Displace unable

Hi Guys,
I´m unsing UE5, and I imported an FBX asset. It comes with a displacement file texture, which I´d like to use on it. I entered in Modeling mode, but Displace is not enable. If I select another object, it turns on.
What should be the problem?
Thanks in advance.

Is your imported model a skeletal mesh or a static mesh? The modeling mode tools work on Static Meshes, Volumes and Dynamic Meshes.


Hi @endofthehall. Thank you for your reply. Sorry for my delay.
That´s the problem. My model is not an “ordinary” mesh, it´s Skeletal. I think it´s strange, because I imported the FBX and aparentelly, no Static Mesh has been loaded. I have 3 meshes: Skeletal Mesh, Phisics Asset and Skeleton…

Is your geometry rigged or is it just a standard polygon mesh. There is an option in the import settings to switch on skeletal mesh. Uncheck that and it should come in as a standard static mesh.

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Thank you, man! It worked!