Displace material in UE5?

Hi, I know displacement in UE5 is supposed to be a thing of the past, but I just can’t fathom that something I was easily able to do in 4.27 and earlier is impossible to do in 5. To create a poor man’s process (car shot) on the XR volume I like to use a panner node to just move my road / tunnel wall material. It’s an easy and light weight solution for this purpose. I’ve searched the web and documentation up and down and I just can’t accept that there isn’t a way in UE5 to plug a panner node into displacement. There has got to be a way. If you know please share it because I’ve literally been losing sleep over this. Thank you!

Hi Cinemyscope,

I might be missing something here, but panning a texture should still be straight-forward. (Panner feeding into Texture UVS)

Tessellation is removed and Nanite meshes don’t work with World Position Offset, but I’m having trouble understanding how a panning texture is connected to displacement in the first place.

The desired end result is simply a road/wall that pans?