Hey guys, I am trying to create an animated skeletal mesh particle system in Niagara. I want to have an animated mesh with particles that contain an emitter with curl noise force applied to them by using a cone mask driven by vector curve values. The issue I am running into is whenever I try to use curl noise force with Mesh Reproduction in Particle Update, it seems to invalidate the curl noise or produces undesirable results (flickering). I assume this is because it is updating the mesh position then applying the curl noise force. Messing with the order of operations with the curl noise force and solve forces and velocity didn’t seem to resolve the issue. Any ideas on how to resolve this or a better approach to achieving what I want? To simplify what i want, I just want to disintegrate a part of an animated character using a cone mask. I’ve provided screenshots of how I currently have it set up. Thanks in advance!
In this situation, you need to lerp between two types of simulations. In one, you control the particles positions directly with the skeletal mesh reproduction module. In the other, curl forces organically drive the particles to new locations.
I would modulate (multiply) the curl noise force by the mask and use the inverse of the mask to attach the particles to the skeletal mesh’s surface.
The last example in the Niagara examples map shows how this can be done. Please let me know if the example content isn’t clear.
Thanks for the quick reply! I’ll check it out and see if can get it to work properly.