discovery needs improving for a better ecosystem in fortnite metaverse

we need to wait more than a month for them to say “other maps were selected instead” this is NOT an apropiate comunication.
as creator I expect to be told what I have done wrong if its not selected.
Captura de pantalla 2024-05-01 193127

to know what I can improve and have the opportunity to get in epic’s picks or simply in discovery.

“There’s a lot of great content out there and only a limited number of spaces, so take all the things you learned from this process” what do I have to learn? if I don’t know what to learn, beacause you say nothing.

I have considered three diferent solutions:

  1. expand the browse and discover sections to make more games available, as 95.78% of the existing maps have 0 players on average.
  2. explain in detail why the map has been rejected, to know how to improve.
  3. queue the maps that could have been selected but have not been selected so that they appear later.

if you want the fortnite metaverse to have a future, there are things to do before that. and that’s something only you can do.

It might be only certain types of maps are preferred to be featured. I actually received feedback for one of my submissions once - it confirmed my suspicion.

  1. There are other ways to receive feedback

  2. If a map is tagged, it should appear in the relevant category (rail) - if this is ever implemented it will solve all the problems. Tags themselves could be improved but that is for a separate discussion.

  3. I think not all submissions are fully reviewed. Some might be rejected based on description or trailer. Are you a professional writer or filmmaker? If not you may not necessarily do the best job describing your game. They would need to actually play your map to provide feedback. Sounds like work right?

@LFS-Apocalipsis Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.