Discord for solo-developers

As a solo-developer it is difficult to do so much work but not have anybody to talk to about it. However, participating in a group can be more trouble than it is worth if it’s not the right people.

I’ve started a Discord for a certain type of developer:

  • MANDATORY - Solo developers only.

  • MANDATORY - Must have published at least one game before.

  • MANDATORY - You are developing a commercial game project with Unreal.

  • PREFERRED - Developing 3d desktop or console games (i.e not mobile games)

The idea is to have semi-regular voice meetings were progress can be shared, problems can be discussed, design decisions can be brainstormed, workflows cna be shared, and so on.

Group size will be limited so that it is easy to give proper attention to each persons project.

If interested just respond here or send me a PM.

Ah thanks for letting me know. I thought that is was public all this time, lol.

First published game:
To Battle!: Hell's Crusade on Steam (this was made with Unity 5)

Second game, which is in beta and has playtest on Steam:

This is nearly finished, I’ve taken a short break from it to prototype third game ideas but am working on wrapping it up in next couple months

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@BIGTIMEMASTER I’m working as solo developer , I would be happy to join the discord server. My discord user name : fieol#4977