disc space consumption

Hi RC users and hopefully experts,

I have been working with the RC Demo version for several years with great pleasure. I have always noticed the problem with ‘leaking memory data’ of my C-drive when running alignment and reconstruction, though I placed my RC cache on my D-drive! I searched the forum for the trick, but I found discussions of this topic but no clear solution to overcome this problem, probably due to a bug in the system…

I work on a 16 RAM gaming laptop with little C-drive space (25 GB) and lots of storage on the D drive. Through research I have put the RC cache on the D-drive, and occasionally I delete individual data manually to keep enough space. I have always noticed that my C drive is also consuming my GB. However, I cannot find any RC data on the C drive, at C: /user/….temp folder or any other folder on my C-drive to delete. Resulting in an ‘out of memory’ error during alignment and reconstruction.

So manually I can’t remove anything from my C drive, how do I get my workspace on my C-drive back in GB’s, without clearing cache in RC?

I can only manually delete individual files on my D-drive, where I placed my cache location, because there is still some unprocessed RC data which need to be reconstructed.

So deleting cache through RC is no option.

When I got my reconstruction ready, but have not exported the mesh out of RC, can clearing in RC be done or should I export the finished models first?

Can you help me with this problem?

Kind regards,

Youri, from the Netherlands

Hello dear user,

You can clear your cache after meshing or after any other process, the cache will only make re running of some processes faster. But I don’t think your memory leak is the case of RCs cache. Please google a “Paging file” on your windows version and you can read more about it. Long story short, Paging file works as a backup for RAM, once RAM is full the information is being stored in your Paging file. Your system could be set to automatically increase its Paging file when needed. You can also change the location of Paging file in your system settings, there are several tutorials on the internet to do so and it is easy. Hope this is the case and will get you safe again.