Disappearing static mesh/massive performance drop

So, I was just fiddling around with some assets in the editor (5.0) and plonking down static meshes when one of them disappeared. As in, not just in the viewport, but from the Outliner as well, even though I didn’t remove it – I was actually moving another piece of mesh around when it suddenly went poof.

Now, I am getting a massive performance drop (Massive performance drop (?) - Album on Imgur) whenever I move close to the location where it was before it disappeared. I’ve had something similar happen before, but then the Message Log would warn that there were meshes with weird 3D drawing properties and it’d let me click on them to remove them and nothing came from it. This time, I can’t target it, I can’t see it and I can’t find it.

The fps drop persists no matter where I point the camera, too – it’s only if I move the camera to another xyz that performance resumes.

Anyone seen anything like this before and know a workaround/how to access the mesh to kill it with fire? Cursory googling has been of no help at all.

Hello TheSkaz,

I’d start with profiling your GPU in-editor. This can be done with the hotkey CTRL + SHIFT + comma.

Doing this with good perf, then again with bad perf might help narrow down what’s causing the extra frametime.

Looking forward to your response


Thanks for the hint on CTRL+SHIFT+comma, I didn’t know about that one. Very nifty!

Unfortunately, I can no longer reproduce the problem; I deleted and reimported the landscape and that solved the problem. Though I realize this isn’t an option for everyone, at least it’s a workaround. If I run into this issue again, at least I’ll know how to analyze it further.