Ok, so i wanted to do something where whenever the Player looked at a specific actor, after 1 second it would disappear, but i don’t know how to do that. Please Help!
I’m quiet new to Unreal Engine, i know about the Delay node, but could you send pictures of how to do that?
you can have the actor do a linetrace from itself to the player, if it hits the player check the dot product of the player’s camera vector and direction to the player.
if you have many of these actors in the scene you can reduce the linetrace frequency based on distance from the player. or have a big sphere collider around the actors to toggle the tracing.
the only reason im suggesting tracing is to check if the actor is blocked from view. if it doesn’t matter if something is between the player and other actor you can skip the tracing and just check the dot product
you can also do multiple line traces from the corners of the actor if you need to be more accurate. you can do this the other way around too and put the sphere collider around the player and have the player do the linetraces to the actors, but I feel like that’s less modular.
there’s a delay node you can use for the delay.
no, it would take too much time for me to put something together and I’m not even sure exactly what you want.
here’s linetrace and dot product tutorials