Disabling outer frustum on nDisplay

Hey everyone, I would like to know if there any way to disable the Outer frustum rendering the scene in NDisplay ( marked as a red ) to reduce hardware load. All i need is just the inner frustum to be rendered (marked as blue). Any ideas?

HI Star_Glazer1337

I tested it on ue4.27 but I didn’t check the load
How about putting the Ndisplay on the level and making the black in the post process of the Outcluster in the setting?

Hi, I managed to find a different solution to this. All i did is just I froze the viewport so it stopped rendering the viewport but keeps the image for the lighting. The performance boost is enourmous.


Congratulations. I have a question If you freeze it, does the inner freustum move?

It does, the inner frustum is not affected by this.

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Thank you!

You are welcome! :slight_smile:

Do you know whether this has changed? I’m on 5.4 and when I tick “Freeze viewports” the frustum is black as well.

Did you start the session with them frozen? If so you would need to give UE a moment to render the viewport first.

What is “a moment”? I’ve just been running nDisplay for 10 minutes with the project set to “freeze viewports” and both inner and outer frustum remained black.
Is it possible it’s an issue with custom LED wall meshes? I think I read something somewhere about that being a problem…

No I mean you would have to launch them unfrozen and allow them to render. Then freeze them.

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Hi I’m having the same problem on UE 5.4, the inner frustum also turns black when I freeze the viewport. I started the session with the “unfreezed” viewport, when the whole scene is already being rendered I tick the “freeze viewport” the whole screen turns black including the inner frustum. When I untick it, it turns to normal not sure what happen here.