Disabling outer frustum on nDisplay

Hey everyone, I would like to know if there any way to disable the Outer frustum rendering the scene in NDisplay ( marked as a red ) to reduce hardware load. All i need is just the inner frustum to be rendered (marked as blue). Any ideas?

HI Star_Glazer1337

I tested it on ue4.27 but I didn’t check the load
How about putting the Ndisplay on the level and making the black in the post process of the Outcluster in the setting?

Hi, I managed to find a different solution to this. All i did is just I froze the viewport so it stopped rendering the viewport but keeps the image for the lighting. The performance boost is enourmous.


Congratulations. I have a question If you freeze it, does the inner freustum move?

It does, the inner frustum is not affected by this.

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Thank you!

You are welcome! :slight_smile: