Disabling LODs during Cinematics

Is there a way to force all visible meshes to be LOD0 during a cinematic?

I’m also trying to find a way to accomplish this, was thinking it would likely be a console command that can be setup in the “additional command line arguments” option of render movie settings in sequencer.

Same here, would be great to have some option to have everything in high resolution when rendering. I think It is a must have for cinematic. Please some help us! 8)

I believe the option we are looking for is r.forcelod 0

0 being the top LOD, and 1, 2 3 etc being the lower LOD

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Hello, tsnodgrass I did that and it still happens, the engine generate it on LOD, I did find out that if you turn off the collision it fix some of the issues. On the video bellow I had the LoD on just 0 and the pop was still happening:

just in case anyone wants to know, r.forcelod -1 resets the system so it uses the normal LODs again


Yes but where do you put this in at? the info is great but for those of us that are unaware…where do you enter this information to get it to work?

I just use this commands, on editor, WINDOW>Developers Tools>Output Window
Use this commands:
r.ForceLOD 0
foliage.ForceLOD 0
To disable LODs

r.ForceLOD 1
foliage.ForceLOD 1

To enable back again.

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Thanks Dneobr, I will use it next time!

yeah Dneobr, you nailed, it works!, Thanks!

yes!!! LOVE U


foliage.ForceLOD 0 - it set all foliage lods to 0 (High quality)

foliage.ForceLOD -1 - it set all foliage lods to Auto

foliage.ForceLOD 1 or 4 - it set all foliage lods to your number (1or4) (Bad quality)

r.ForceLOD 0 - it set all mesh lods to 0 (High quality)

r.ForceLOD -1 - it set all mesh lods to Auto

r.ForceLOD 1 or 4 - it set all mesh lods to your number (1or4) (Bad quality)


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