Disabling Input On A Networked Character In C++

I am having a little problem with disabling the input on my player character.
I am working on a multiplayer shooter without a dedicated server. Here is what I want to do:
When a player character dies, the input should be disabled. I have a Function that is run on server when the player is killed. And if I see it correctly I need to have a function called on my owning client that disables the input. But that doesn’t work.

in .h

AFPSPlayerController* FPSPlayerController;

UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation)
/* Kill the character on the server */
virtual void Kill_Server(AFPSPlayerController* killInstigator); 
UFUNCTION(Client, Reliable)
/* Kill the character on the owning client*/
virtual void Kill_Client(AFPSPlayerController* killInstigator);

in .cpp

void APlayerCharacter::BeginPlay()

	FPSPlayerController = Cast<AFPSPlayerController>(GetController());

void APlayerCharacter::Kill_Server_Implementation(AFPSPlayerController* killInstigator)

bool APlayerCharacter::Kill_Server_Validate(AFPSPlayerController* killInsigator)
	return true;

void APlayerCharacter::Kill_Client_Implementation(AFPSPlayerController* killInstigator)

In the .h you need to add another function declaration,
virtual void ServerKill_Client(AFPSPlayerController* killInstigator);

Note how this one is exact same, just starts with the word Server. This one should have the UFUNCTION stuff.
Leave the regular Kill_Client above simply as a bare function.
Also you’ll need to add WithValidation to the UFUNCTION params. Maybe BlueprintCallable too? Depends.

Then in the .cpp adjust the definitions to match having the word ‘Server’ on the front of the name.
Add one for Kill_Client regular, in which you just call ServerKill_Client.
then in ServerKill_Client_Implementation, do whatever the function is meant to.
The validation definition will also have to be renamed ServerKill_Client_Validate

In the .h you need to add another function declaration,
virtual void ServerKill_Client(AFPSPlayerController* killInstigator);

Note how this one starts with the word Server. This one should have the UFUNCTION stuff.
Leave the regular Kill_Client above simply as a bare function.
Also you’ll need to add WithValidation to the UFUNCTION params. Maybe BlueprintCallable too? Depends.

Then in the .cpp, add a definition for ‘regular’ Kill_Client, in which it just calls ServerKill_Client. Adjust the implementation and validation definitions to match having the word ‘Server’ on the front of the name.

@Untanky did you solved the problem? I’ve got same problem here.