Disabling everything while popup exists.

Hey there,

So Im making a sort of menu based image text game.

I have popups that show up and give you options, But the problem is the rest of the game is still accessible behind the popup, So if you wanted to, You could mash the interaction for big gains.

How would I disable the rest of the game or Put a sort of “blanket” behind the popup to not allow any clicks through.

My only current thought is to have a large background invisible or darkened behind the popup widget to literally just block access but Im curious if theres a better way.

Thank ye for reading.

The what so you call “popups” I assume it is a widget blueprint.
If it is a widget blueprint you can change the game mode to UI only. That way it only focuses the player interactions on a specific widget. Then, you may change it back after the player is done with the widget.