I have created a greyscale texture, gammatest.png, to help the user set the gamma in-game but I noticed something very strange. The in-game colors were very off from the texture I imported.
I then ran some tests in a blank project, creating a 2d widget with two images, the gammatest and some dimmed rgb squares. Both textures are set to UserInterface2D compression, UI texture group, sRGB and imported in the widget as textures. Check settings.jpg
In this case, the textures render fine. See grayscale_and_color.jpg
But as soon as I set the colored texture hidden, and the game only needs to render the greyscale texture, all greys become slightly brighter. See grayscale_only.jpg
Checking with photoshop’s color picker, the black square is the only one that keeps its color. Other squares should be grey 32, 64, 96, 128 and so on but are instead shifted to 46, 85, 119, 149 up to full white.
Displaying the widget in a map with a basic ground and sky didn’t reproduce the problem, but as soon as i turned off the sky sphere and looked up, hence making the scene fully black except for the widget, the color shifted again.
It seems obvious to me that there is some sort of color correction going on for the UI which, afaik, shouldn’t have post processing at all.
How do I turn off this behavior? My game is following a gameboy aestetic and menus are obviously grayscale with full black backgrounds.