I have a project that consists of two maps: the main menu map and the game map. When the player presses “play” in the main menu, the game map is loaded but no pawns are spawned immediately. Instead, a widget is displayed immediately when the game map is loaded where the player can select the type of pawn to spawn. The pawn then gets spawned, the widget is removed and the player can begin to play.
The trouble is, as the map changes from the main menu to the game map, there is a split second before the widget is created during which the player can see the map and sky box because something spawns two cameras on the game map… Does anyone know what spawns these cameras and how to stop it?
I don’t want any camera to be possessed until the player spawns a pawn. I want the screen to be black until that point so that the map, skybox, or anything else on the map cannot be seen.

It sounds a bit like an issue with the game mode. In all levels, you have the world settings tab, in there is the game mode override. You can specify to have no pawn type

This will probably deal with it, although I’m not sure what’s making extra cameras, maybe come back on that one…
Thanks for the reply.
I’ve read about that when researching this but my default pawn class is set to None.

Since it’s a multiplayer game, the Game Mode should not be getting loaded when the map is loaded. Could it be the spectator class?
Is there a way to stop the camera from automatically becoming view targets?
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I know nothing about MP 
I think the spectator class is called ‘spectator pawn’, so it’s probably not that.
How are you loading the level? If you’re streaming it, you can leave it hidden until you’re ready.
Another way is to specifically possess a sort of dummy load pawn, then at least it’s under your control. The system only uses vacant cameras when there’s no active pawn.
I used the Get Owner node to see what owns the cameras and it turns out that the Player Camera Manager spawns the cameras. You wouldn’t happen to know how to stop it from doing that?