Disable Open World every time I start editor.

Is there a way to change the startup settings so that when I open the editor each day, it starts with a blank world? Mine keeps starting with this huge mountain terrain.

I always have to click on file / new, and then load a blank world. I don’t mind doing that, but I just want to make sure the open world with the preset mountain does not save with my level. Why is this a default behavior? If you click on load blank world, it should be blank.

I know I can change the map loaded for the currently loaded project in the project settings, but its counterintuitive to have some huge terrain content loading all the time when you start the editor, not to mention it slows down the startup. How do I force the ED to load the same blank map template world every time I start editor?


You can set the default map

Yes, so you just make it your empty map.

Hello ClockworkOcean

Yes, like I said I know about the project option. But that only lets you set the map for the project your in. How do you change it so that every time the editor is opened, even for newly created projects, I want it to start with a default map, not just for specific projects. Like a system wide default map setting?

I don’t know why they would load a huge terrain at start up, it just slows the start up. That makes no sense. It’s like walking into your home every day after work and all your kitchen draws and cabinets are opened. I know how to close them, but how do you keep them closed.

I don’t think loading that map has any appreciable impact on the editor opening time. You can tell by how quickly the map opens manually.

There’s a folder in the engine contents

C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Templates

In there is where the editor goes when it wants to make a new project. I’m guessing if you change it there, it will be fixed for all projects.

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There are a lot of folders in the Template folder. Sounds like it’s by design. Like I said, makes no sense. You click on blank project, it should start blank, and I’ve seen other people online asking the same question.

There’s no logic. You have to close out their terrain map every time you start a new project, then go to project settings to point it to your default map. Not a huge deal, just a long way of doing things.

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I still don’t understand why this large terrain is showing up. Where is it coming from?
Even when I create a new level and save it, it still loads the next time. And even if I set the default map in the project settings, what happens to the terrain? is it loaded with my level?

Where is the mountain terrain coming from? Why it’s popping up.

Same as my answer :slight_smile:

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People on youtube and other sites are asking the same questions.
Even when I start a new level with no content selected, this terrain shows up. I’m just asking someone to explain where it’s coming from and if it’s going to be saved with my levels.

Creating a Level using File → New Level doesn’t automatically create the terrain unless you select The Open World template. Just select Empty Level if you want a blank/empty level.

Even better, if you create a New Level by right Clicking on the Content Browser, it will always be the Empty Level.


I can create an empty level Arjun Subhash, that’s not the issue.

I think I was getting confused because I was thinking that the open world content, (the terrain) was being saved in the background somewhere in my new empty level. But I guess it doesn’t. Because when you export your level, even though there’s other levels in your project folder, your only going to export your level, not all the other levels in the project folder.

You can (have to) select which Levels get Exported in your Project Settings → Packaging → Advanced → List of Maps to Include in a packaged build.

All these map templates live in the Engine Folder. it’s not part of your project unless you create one manually like above. Even the Open World Level with terrain is not part of your project unless you save it inside your project.

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I think where I was getting confused, was that I was thinking that all the other templates were be saved in the code of my empty level. But that’s not how it works I guess.

The way it works is, when you create a blank empty level, it has what it comes with or what you add to it. Nothing from the open world preset gets saved in the newly created empty level. I get it now.


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Thanks to the both of you for your responses and support.

I’m looking for the resolved button. Sorry, I don’t know how this Solution button works on the forums, seems like all the posts have it. I wasn’t trying to add it to any particular post, I just wanted to click the heart icon for all your posts.


By the way @ Arjun Subhash

I got everything to work with that video you posted, edited the ini file all that. But for some reason, my thumbnails are not showing up. The project template shows up in the game list just fine and works like it should. Bbut I just have the black generic unreal icon in the game menu. I edited the pictures in photoshop and just saved them, didn’t change the format.

Thumbnail setting in the ini file is set to = true, I didn’t change anything else other than what was said in the video. The path you see in the image is where the game is installed.

hmm , I wonder if I need to rename these image files.

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