Hi everybody. I have a problem that I couldt solve for a long time. If I disable input while aiming up, my character starts with aiming up when enable input again.
You can reset your aiming, when you Disable input.
It’s holding all input not just aim. I had to made my custom disable/enable system. thanks anyway
Meanwhile i dont know how to set status of this topic as solved
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Ok, but the answer doesn’t solve the problem. So Im gonna leave the question open
Let’s say you press W to run forward, and while the key is still pressed, you disable input. After that, the system will never register the key release, and your character will continue running indefinitely, since for the game you’ve never released the key.
You have made your own disable/enable system and that’s actually the right thing to do. You can answer your own question by posting a screenshot of whatever you made and describe it, and mark the answer as correct; thus you’ll close the topic.
Thank you.
You have to create a boolean named “CustomDisableInput” . Get this boolean for every interactive action/axis event of your character with branch node. Than Add new 2 custom event and name it enable/disable"NameOfYourCharacter". Set the boolean true and false for each 2 event as you need. You have to set also wallk speed of your character as default value and zero for each 2 event. Now, when you need disable(or enable)input, cast your character and call the custom events that you named disable/enable.
Years later, but a solution that works really well for me:
Put a custom event inside of your playercontroller that when key is down, cast to playercharacter, set boolean, when key is released, release boolean. Make sure this event doesnt consume the input if you need it to do other events.
That way it’s still tracking the controller, and updating the character even when input is otherwise disabled.