Disable input” cannot be enabled by ”Enable input

I want to re-enable an input that was disabled with “Disable input” with “Enable input”, but I cannot enable it. (The “Print String ‘Hello’” on the far right is executed.)
Any way to do this would be appreciated.

Try connecting both of the input pins of the Disable Input node the same way you did for the Enable Input node (player character into the target pin and the player controller into the player controller pin), and also check if the Enable Input node actually gets executed by clicking on it and hitting F9 while the node is selected. This will toggle a breakpoint on that node and if everything’s fine, when that event node gets executed while you’re playing your game, you should be sent back to the blueprint.

Oh you already mentioned that the print string node gets executed, just try doing the first thing I suggested then. I’ll keep that part though, perhaps you can make use of breakpoints in the future :wink:

Have you tried the “set input mode” nodes from the player controller node instead of enabled input?

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