ike roller splat where ball keep moving untill it hit with object and stop there immediatly. I am increase the speed of ball so that it reach a end. but after hitting with box it bounce back.so to stop bounce back i add physical material to my ball not to its collision box and set velocity to zero after hitting with wall. i want to keep ball rolling with one time swipe or one time press button and not accept any movement until it not stop or hit with wall so that it will not move anywhere else. i want to enable or disable the input to ball. disable input completely stop the ball it is not move single time.
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Everything seems about right, but you’d better make this setup in the ball BP, not in the level BP where it apparently is now. This way you won’t have to create hit events for every single wall in the level, but only once for the ball, and you won’t have to cast at all.
The only potential issue I can see in your BPs is the hit events never actually firing if the walls don’t have “Simulation Generates Hit Events” enabled.
And if you manually set velocity to 0, you don’t need any physical material, it’ll work without it.
I’ve made a similar setup and the problem I’ve encountered is that hit events fire from collision with the floor and with walls parallel to the movement. Checking the impulse value fixes that:
is it showing impulse vector length. if yes then it is showing different different values. which value should i use. may b it is different based on level.
Just test it. You need to find a threshold value that would only stop the ball when it hits the wall, not when it brushes the parallel wall or the floor.
If you set angular and linear damping to 0, the size of the level won’t matter much.