Disable Google VR Splash Screen

Is there any way to have Plugin Google VR enabled, but start the App on mobile without the splash screen on App Start UP???
Am trying to have a “2d” interface before going into VR mode, and this i s kind of annoying!
thnx in advance!!!

Setting on Pawn , Begin Play HDM OFF and on GameInstance on EVENT INIT . HMD OFF wouldnt work… also project is set on START VR (or AR) OFF

it seems to work if i set it on Begin Play of LevelBlueprint for the level i picked the game to start. Just a help to those who come to the same issue! cheers!

Hi, what did you set in the LevelBlueprint to disable the splash screen? I’ve tried using the Enable HMD node set to false but it still shows the splash screen?

Begin Play HDM OFF and on GameInstance on EVENT INIT . Unfortunately i cannot provide much of assistance since this was i think a hacky solution on 4.18 .
As for GoogleVR it is deprecated and abandoned by google so dont bother developing for it.