How can i disable footstep sound when my character is in a certain area? For example when the character is flyng. Thanks.
They are a bit different. If you want to disable footstep sound when the character is flying, you should set that maybe using a Switch on EMovementMode. With that you can set to play sound only when you’re walking, and not play when flying.
If you want to set it based on surface types, here’s a video on how to do that. Hope it helps
And I just forgot to paste the URL. Sorry. Here Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial: Footstep Sounds (english) - YouTube
What drives the footstep sound? What event plays it?
Thanks for the answer, my problem is when my character get in a physics volume because i want to swim (not fly but i think it’s the same logic). In that volume i want to disable the footstep sound. Now i tried using the Switch on EMovementMode but i haven’t idea how to use it with the sound.