In an FPS template I’m trying to disable certain functions when opening map/menu etc. I’ve actually gotten everything else I want done except for firing weapon on left click when map/menu is open. I’ve tried in widget>branch, disable input, end fire mode? something like that. I must be going at this a wrong way, any help would be appreciated.
I think the quickest way is to get a Gate node just after the Fire Input Event which toggels on the same input as when you open the map.
Every time you open the map, it blocks the input event, when you close it again, it will go.
This only works when you use one button.
If not, you can do a check if the Map Widget is active. Just Set a Boolean Value to “true” when you open the map, and to “false” when you close the map. Then Get that Bool in a Branch (if) in the same place you would put a Gate node before.
If this isn’t clear, I can give you an example if you want.
If you could please. I tried the gate, but I must not be setting this up correctly.
Will do, I’m at my computer later tonight. That said, could you post me a snapshot of what your current blueprint is that summons the map, as well as the one that fires your weapon?
It would help me a lot in helping you.
The gate example shows you how I would set up the gate.
The advantage of this is that it’s flexible. It fits pretty much anywhere and even allows other actions that could close the map (like pressing escape) to be plugged into the toggle.
The variable example is less flexible and might require redundancies to work properly. It really depends on the big picture, what else you want to do with it and how exactly you’ve thought it out.
One example is that you only have a map when holding a certain button down.
Then you can set it up like in the third example, gate 2.0.
One thing to worry about though: What happens when you press and hold LMB while opening the map? What happens when you click LMB while the map opens and you close the map?
What results would you want and does this solution allow for that result to happen?
This is minor though and can be adapted to when you’re refining your mechanics.
Thanks that worked